Available Positions

Sunrise and people on roof.

Find the position and location that is right for you.

Current available positions are organized by job type in the sections below. Each section has multiple tabs to show the available positions at each location. The links for each position will take you to the job description and application.

Instructional Staff

Instructional Staff is responsible for providing quality instruction and leadership in our educational outdoor science and summer camp programs. They maintain the safety of students and campers while leading them engagingly through school and summer activities. The responsibilities of each position are described in more detail on each application page.

Counseling Staff

Our camp counselors are involved in the social and emotional components of the summer camp experience. Each counselor will be assigned a group of 8-10 campers each session. Cabin counselors will live and sleep in the dorms near their campers, spend cabin time with the campers, supervise camper living habits, and guide the campers in their selection of activities. Counselors will have an opportunity to lead and/or support various camp activities and plan the special evening events. Counselors are not required to have any background or education in the sciences; however, an interest is encouraged.


Counselor Applications for Catalina Sea Camp – Toyon Bay & Fox Landing is closed for Summer 2022 season.



Support Staff

Our support staff team members are essential to the success of our programs. It takes a lot of experience and a variety of skill sets to keep our facilities operating smoothly as we serve over 55,000 students annually. Our support staff consists of maintenance, kitchen, and other important positions of the organization.


Please contact Rebecca Parrott, HR Director, at rebecca@gdi.org or 909-625-6194.